As we survey the development of this continued dominance by Umno since Independence, we see the practice of the Malay ruling class collaborating with both the Chinese and Indian elite in what is clearly a ‘class’ based exploitation of the masses. The emergent state capitalists succeeded in their coup against Tunku Abdul Rahman and the old aristocratic class in 1969 and since then, the spectre of ‘May 13’ violence been used in official propaganda as a threat against any potential challenge to the status quo, whether related to the civil rights of the non-bumiputeras or as a direct challenge to the ruling coalition in a general election. Every scholar worth his or her salt knew then in the seventies what the outcome of the NEP would be - thus, the ‘corrective’ measures have mainly benefited the well-placed Umno elite. These communal issues ultimately formed several 1 Abdul Aziz Bari, The Evolution of Malaysian Constitutional Tradition. Ricardo Martinelli’s spy-game in Panama 8. To date, this recent Kampung Medan racial incident remains a state secret and there has been no public enquiry conducted by the government or by Suhakam, the National Human Rights Commission. This will ensure that all aspects of your campaign connect and come back to the true message of what you are trying to accomplish and who you are trying to reach. Shutting down competition in Tunisia 6. Malaysia has once again made world news for the wrong reasons, coming third in The Economist’s crony capitalism index for 2014. Article 153 on the special position of Malays was inspired by the affirmative action provisions of the Indian Constitution to protect the minority under-privileged class of harijans. Through their communication planning and management, public relations practitioners build and enhance … These roles are important in running the country efficiently because the public sector can either make or ruin any administration. Racial discrimination is 100 percent in the public sector institution Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), where no non-bumiputera student is allowed admission even though it is built and maintained with Malaysian taxpayers’ money. While Asia continues to set the pace as the world’s fastest growing region, Malaysia is among the Asian middle-income countries showing signs of economic slowdown and faces stiff competition from lower-cost economies.  Â. However, the marketing of “Coca-Cola Classic” is perhaps a good example of how to do just that. Research. The reason for this is obvious today. It is time for all peace-loving, just and rational Malaysians to urge an end to such racism, racial discrimination and hate crimes. 9, Jalan 51/205A, Off Jalan Tandang, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. The past decade had several memorable corporate PR disasters. Crisis communication and social media. Hence, there would have been no further justification to prolong the New Economic Policy beyond 1990. Reforms, especially the replacement of racial discriminatory policies with race-free inclusive policies are critically needed to rally the nation to achieve its economic objectives. Thus, minorities are often associated with problems and conflict and then portrayed as a threat to the dominant Malay population. The Malaysian government appears committed to its ‘Vision 2020' to attain developed country (high-income) status by 2020. 2 Tommy Thomas, Human Rights in 21st Century Malaysia. Institute for Public Relations. The Russian Laundromat (with a little help from … Many Indian Malaysianns have found themselves marginalised, much like the African Americans in the US were, especially after the destruction of the traditional plantation economy. A recent The Asia Foundation (TAF) report, also points to a compelling need for Malaysia to shift from a race-based to a needs-based policy in order to address imbalances in society and improve the democratic process to ensure good governance and that the rule of law prevails. Even during the Eighties, it was pointed out that by lumping the holdings of bumiputera and government agencies in nominee and locally-controlled companies under ‘Other Malaysian residents’, it was not surprising that the ‘bumiputera’ stake would be understated. This will help you to (hopefully) avoid a campaign flop. Virtually every blog strives for reader interaction. They can use all three parts of rhetoric: ethos, pathos, and logos. It points out that poor institutions could deter innovation, hamper the efficiency of resource allocation and reduce the returns to entrepreneurship. A key obstacle lies in the government’s failure to promote a fair and open economy. Supposedly introduced to eradicate poverty regardless of ethnicity and to correct the ‘racial imbalance’ relating to wealth holding in the country, all the statistics relating to ethnic proportions ever since have been consistently obfuscating. The list of cases presented is not exhaustive. You don’t want your campaign to end up like these unfortunate failures. This simple point of history has been subjected to gross manipulation by desperate politicians. While this on the surface may have seemed like harmless guerilla advertising, certain people living in the city interpreted the Lite-Brites as bombs. The cost of preferential treatment has also seen greater intra-community inequality, with higher class members creaming off the benefits and opportunities. The message is clear: ‘Immigrants must adapt or else...’, ‘Indians must behave...’ Today, this blatant racism is so evident in the Malay-language press that media watching in Malaysia can no longer be considered an art. The main objective of public relations is to maintain a positive reputation of the brand and maintain a strategic relationship with the public Instead of targeting and providing strategic aid to the poor of all ethnic communities, the Umno ruling class has continued to use the tried and trusted strategies of race-based cash aid and uplift plans aimed at bumiputeras. In Malaysia, since the passing of the deadline for the NEP in 1990, it makes developmental sense to implement a new socially just affirmative action policy based on need or class or sector. Widodo has described vaccine access as a test of international cooperation. Malaysians agree with the same issues, with the exception of 'sexualisation of women and girls in the media', which is the third most important equality issue faced by women. Unity can only be promoted through an affirmative action policy based on need, sector or class, never on race. These rent-seeking industries include those easily monopolised, and that involve licensing or heavy state involvement, which it said was “prone to graft”: From the eighties on, Mahathir’s privatisation of state assets ensured the divestment of state capital into the hands of favoured Malay crony capitalists. Eliminating racism & racial discrimination. This whole notion of equity share by race is ridiculed by the very people for whom it is purportedly meant to benefit as bumiputeras can sell their shares for cash as soon as they have received their allocation and restore the status quo ante ad nauseum! COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia Confirmed COVID-19 cases by state (territory) as of April 2021 Distribution map of COVID-19 confirmed cases … Enacting an Equality Act and establishing an Equality & Human Rights Commission; 3. There is a tripartite labor system in Malaysia. 3 Joseph M. Fernando, The Making of the Malayan Constitution. It was estimated then that the bumiputera stake under ‘Other Malaysian residents’ accounted for at least another 12 percentage points. Non-discriminatory basis of the federal constitution. However, KFC attempted to jump on the healthy food bandwagon with aggressive marketing of its new grilled chicken. The measured affirmative action policies under Article 153 of the federal constitution for which the Reid Commission had recommended a sunset clause of 15 years were amended with the addition of sub-section (8A) allowing for the ‘quota system’ in 1971. Most cases reported in the first wave were imported cases from China and their contacts. That plan is the key to maintaining a happy workplace that runs efficiently. In recent years, Sarawak’s capitalist class has also been investing in hydroelectric dams and energy-guzzling toxic industries. This legacy of racism has been further institutionalised since independence, and is not only evident in school textbooks but also in media discourse and everyday conversation. The Malay ruling elite are reluctant to support policies that would undermine the economic basis of their dominance, for that would threaten the capitalist foundation itself on which they so depend. Providing non-racial alternatives to national development based on justice, equality and human rights; 6. The institutional reforms to eliminate racism and racial discrimination are actually quite straightforward if the government has the political will to carry them out. The NEP, as I analysed in the seventies, was the vehicle for capital accumulation by the state capitalist class during the seventies. Equifax Has A Breach. My research and writings on press coverage of ethnic affairs since the Eighties have shown that the ethnic minority groups tend to be referred to in the Malay-language press in stereotypical and racist terms. During the last forty years or so, we have witnessed the connivance of the police and the army with the state and until recently, the Youth Wing of the ruling party Umno has taken upon itself the role of storm troopers in carrying out threats to any who would demand civil rights or challenge the status quo. Common employee relations issues crop up again and again. Uncontrolled rent-seeking this century has allowed politically well-connected billionaires worldwide to double their wealth, thereby posing a threat to the free market, The Economist said. Affirmative action based on need, not race. The consequences of racism and racial discrimination in official policies are plain for all to see, the victims are all ethnic minorities who are not ‘bumiputeras’, including the Orang Asli of peninsula Malaysia. How the company reacted to this crisis will certainly become a case study for bad PR in the future. Journal of Business Communication, 41(3), 265-289. Racism and racial discrimination remain the most serious issues dividing the Malaysian nation and standing in the way of progress toward a high-income society ‘at peace with itself’. The reality is that the primary beneficiaries of the implementation of this policy are the new Malay ruling elite, strategically placed to reap the full benefits of this racially-based policy. The Institute for Public Relations is the only independent foundation in the field of public relations. Based on the World Bank’s 2012 definition which categorises a high-income nation as a country with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of more than US$12,615, Malaysia, with a GNI per capita of US$9,820 in 2012 is already ranked in the upper-middle income league. According to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) working paper, Malaysia, as compared to other Asian countries, faces a larger risk of slowdown stemming from institutional and macroeconomic factors. The bureaucracy has grown in tandem with the populist measures by the state capitalist class to carve out bigger and bigger slices of the rural and urban economic pie. In March 2019, Cuepacs (Congress of Union of Employees in the Public and Civil Services Malaysians) released a statement saying that more than 400, 000 civil servants (or 20-30%) experience emotional stress, with a number of them needing psychiatric treatment. Posada broke a few rules of sports, and of public relations. It has caused a crippling polarisation of Malaysian society and a costly brain drain. Top 5 Common Employee Relations Issues. Public relations is practised in many different organisational contexts, from inhouse government or public affairs roles to corporate communications roles in small, medium, large, listed, and not-for-profit organisations. Separating the control of funds by NEP ‘trustees’ from nominal ownership by bumiputeras has led to the flouting of public accountability. The Umno elite and their statistical charade. In the circumstances of the time, it suited British colonialism to legitimise their dominance by a divide and rule strategy that viewed minorities as ‘non-indigenous’ (or ‘immigrants’) who required assimilation. Coombs, W. T. (2008, April 2). The resort to such fascist tactics to disrupt democratic assemblies continues to the present day. The 1987 power struggle within Umno between Team A (under Mahathir) and Team B (under Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) was prompted by unhappiness over the control and distribution of business privileges and Daim Zainuddin’s inordinate influence in dispensing these deals. Malaysia's security focus has progressed beyond the issues of defending sovereignty and national boundaries. Racism and racial discrimination remain the most serious issues dividing the Malaysian nation and standing in the way of progress toward a high-income society ‘at peace with itself’. research, research, research! On Aug 18, 2000, some 300 Umno Youth members boorishly demonstrated in front of the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur over the Chinese Associations’ 1999 Suqiu election appeal for civil rights. Topping the list was Hong Kong followed by Russia. Only such a race-free policy can convince the people that the government is socially just, fair and democratic. This is one example where everything can not be solved with advertising. Note: If you got this far you might also want to check out “New York times Delivers Crisis to Apple CEO.”, well i guess advertising earns alot and creates good relations, […] Once you have done your research, understand your target audience, have a clear understanding of current events and related attitudes around what you are trying to campaign for, you will be able to make educated decisions on what your strategies, objectives, and tactics will be for your campaign. Regionally, it noted that “most countries in South-East Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines, saw their scores get worse between 2007 and 2014, as tycoons active in real estate and natural resources got richer”. The NEP has mainly served to encourage rent-seeking behaviour and patronage politics which have held back national progress. | fouay's practicing PR. We saw communal bloodletting on May 13, 1969 when the main victims were mainly ethnic Chinese. The cost and consequences of the racially discriminatory policy in Malaysia have been immense especially since the NEP in 1971. […]. Even worse, the emphasis on the healthiness of the grilled chicken may have actually made many people turn away from KFC’s core product that will probably always be greasy and fattening. Their concentration in different enclaves that came to typify the Malaysian reality was certainly not a ‘natural’ orientation, as my book meticulously documents. Workshop directors were: Louise Baker blogs about getting an online degree at Zen College Life. […], […] relevance but definitely for their comedic value! Malaysia has faced significant issues before and pundits who predicted doom and gloom were proven wrong. You can see some of the worst PR campaigns here, here and here, where a whole website is dedicated to this topic. Facebook In a year when several companies triggered crises by treating their consumers’ data carelessly, Facebook stood out by conducting what was either a study (the most generous … As the philosopher George Santayana has said: “Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.”. There is no doubt that organizations are cutting budgets, … In order to get a better understanding about the dismissal issues, a study of cases which were decided by the Industrial Court particularly on misconduct cases will provide a valuable understanding to employers and organizations as how the court justified the dismissal of each type the of misconduct cases and the factors on … In all, six persons were killed and over a hundred others suffered grievous bodily injuries at Kampung Medan. This has been the function of racism and racial discrimination in facilitating the capital accumulation by this ruling class in Malaysia. Both the academic discipline and professional practice have burgeoned in the countries of Eastern Europe and the former USSR. A security issue with Equifax led to a data … The issue of religion is particularly most sensitive. Anwar Ibrahim also practised patronage and his subsequent expulsion from the party in 1998 was again the result of division of these ‘bumiputera only’ business privileges. Public Relations Review, 38, 83-88. Indonesia has the highest number of Covid-19 cases in Southeast Asia and turned to China and the United States after a surge in cases in India resulted in delays in Indian-made AstraZeneca jabs distributed through the WHO-led Covax facility. Any policy based on ‘race’ is seriously flawed and questionable since every ethnic community has its rich elite and its poorer majority. They threatened to burn down the Assembly Hall. This can be seen as tampering with the so-called ‘social contract’ of 1957! African nations have been both the originators and the focus of intense public relations efforts. Thus, if Malays are predominantly in the rural agricultural sector, the poor Malay farmers would be eligible to benefit from such a needs-based policy while the rich Malay land-owning class would not. Since the democratic uprising of Indians led by Hindraf in 2007 and the subsequent loss of the ruling coalition’s two-thirds parliamentary mandate in the March 2008 elections, Umno has outsourced its overtly racist agenda to right-wing Malay NGOs in particular, Perkasa. Statistics on household income must also take into account the proportion of household members participating in economic activity. Umno Youth organised a rally at the Jalan Raja Muda Stadium in Kuala Lumpur at which racist and seditious slogans were carried in banners which read: ‘MAY 13 HAS BEGUN’, ‘SOAK THE KERIS IN CHINESE BLOOD’. Yet there are emerging security risks that could threaten the survival of the country. The purpose of this study is twofold: 1) to explore the problem of corruptionand public accountability in Nigeria, and 2) to offer some reform measures for the reduction … Then starting from 1981, Dr Mahathir Mohamad began privatising state enterprises into private Malay capital. Malaysia did not only trail behind high-performing education systems in East Asia, but also poorer nations such as Vietnam. Here are five of the top PR campaigns that quickly turned into PR disasters. Future writers of Malaysian fairy tales will no doubt deride the New Economic Policy very much like we lampoon the emperor’s new clothes. Therefore the NEP has had to be prolonged under a different guise - the ‘National Development Policy’ and the latest ‘New Economic Model’. © 2021 The Hoffman Agency | All Rights Reserved. Forming and swiftly deploying a Special Multi-Ethnic Peace-Keeping Force to keep order if such incidents occur in future; Establishing, with urgency, a neutral Commission of Inquiry into any such incidents and charging the culprits responsible for murder; Implementing the Independent Police Complaints & Misconduct Committee. Labor policies and laws are formulated and implemented by the Ministry of Human Resources. Article 8 (1) of the Malaysian constitution clearly spells out the principle of equality of all Malaysians while Article 12 (1) allows no discrimination against any citizens on the grounds of religion, race, descent or place of birth. The 1997/98 financial crisis exposed the frailty of the political-business ties created by Umno. The Malaysian state still uses racism to divide and rule; racial discrimination is still part and parcel of official policy and the ruling party and its affiliates periodically issues veiled threats of mob violence against any who challenge the status quo. Notwithstanding, with continued capitalist development and penetration of the rural areas, we see this strategy to sustain domination by Umno increasingly being challenged. Anti-corruption laws are mainly contained within the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commiss… Toward this end, today brings our third guest post – the first one came from Michael Margolis and the second from Julia Sinykin – penned by Louise Baker who, like all of us, finds storytelling inspiration in novels. It is time for Malaysians to reaffirm the non-discriminatory basis of the federal constitution and to uphold human rights principles which are strictly anti-racist. While commercials casting BP’s efforts to clean up the spill in a positive light may have seemed like a good idea, newscasters got plenty of airtime out of pointing out the fact they wanted to spend millions on commercials at the same time business owners, fishermen, and others were struggling for their livelihoods due to the spill that BP was responsible for. The victims of this more recent racial incident were from the Malaysian Indian community. The federal constitution certainly does not adhere to any notion of ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ (Malay Dominance), which is a totally racist concept. This holds true for small and large businesses alike. Racism and racial politics came about during British colonial rule. Beyond posted comments, I’m hoping Ishmael’s Corner can evolve into a platform for anyone who has a “story” on this form of communications called storytelling. Without effective checks and balances, Malaysia has been beset by massive scandals like Bank Rakyat, BMF and others since 1971 and now, it is 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Notably, affirmative action policies must be carefully controlled and not be permitted to undermine the principle of non-discrimination itself nor violate human rights. The TAF report goes on to reason that despite the numerous bold policy measures and long-term plans introduced by the government over the years, Malaysia’s economic progress continues to be plagued by a lack of innovation and skills, a low level of investments in technology, declining standards in education, relatively high labour cost and sluggish growth in productivity. It was also the strategy of the colonial power to segregate the various ethnic groups according to both occupation and domicile. Now, more than 40 years after the implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP), the sun has still not set on this Never Ending Policy.

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