Along those lines Aristotle also stated, “But for actions in accord with the virtues to be done temperately or justly it does not suffice that they themselves have the right qualities. Also, living on the earth, surrounded by selfish people whose objectives are self-satisfaction and self-preserved, it is important to acknowledge that the term “human nature” can refer to many things in humans, such as their biological needs or their tendency to age (Estlund,2011). Toddlers will both grab toys away from other children and offer their own toys to them. From Mencian view, human nature (xing) is inherently good. This can cause us to be one-sided on certain situations, ignoring problems that affect severely, Human nature causes us to think a certain way and this in turn results in poor decisions. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. Show More. AEIdeas. Installation we made out of plastic trash that we collected from the river nearby at #artvillagarikula near Tbilisi, Georgia, #novafestival #plasticpollution #icyandsot The former mindset is productive and leads to sustainable joy. This piece discusses Human Nature, one of the five central themes of the Baha’i Chair for World Peace. Submitted by Intelchips on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 15:35. Psychology is a wide field of study, with many different facets and purposes of the study itself. Free articles, courses, and other things you might like. You don’t know what someone is going through. These are our natural primary goods such as intelligence, health, or strength, and they sometimes do influence our social standing or success in life. For example, we don't cheat on a test because the consequences of failure would negatively impact us. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Take the stairs. Anyone looking to “hack” their way to improved health or performance who isn’t getting 7–9 hours should start there. Reflection Paper 1 1 Human is an irrevocable part of nature. The outside world affects the desire satisfaction theory but the hedonism theory is independent of the outside world. Denial is the most prominent psychological aspect following one’s death. Take a look. My … Individuals always help others with a measure of self-interest. ... the passing-away of a dear friend is a period of reflection. Human Nature is the second of the five central themes of the Baha’i Chair for World Peace. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. For Rawls, distributive justice means a world, My views on human nature are very similar to the beginning of the year, I honestly believe that humans are inclined to do good for our benefit. I believe that having good morals will make a good person and that in turn will allow good to exist in the world because without morals the world would be in, Although, there are still some things we, as humans, are given naturally that we cannot just avoid or take away. The latter mindset is destructive and leads to angst and sadness. We are human animals evolved to make sense of the natural world and this embeddedness in … The traditional rationalist theory resonates with me the most because of the way it defines the characteristics of a human. As mentioned before people usually act in order to benefit themselves, there could be a possibility that someone punishes someone due to a personal vendetta they hold on the person or they may reward them greatly when a reward like that is not required in the first place. The more you focus on and are fully engaged in the things and people that matter to you the better the quality of your work and relationships and the better the quality of your life. The best goal is the simplest: get better. Work and love like a craftsperson. The four hearts are inherently present within us like part of us, and hence natural to us, as stated in 2A/6 and 6A/6. Just move and move regularly. Humans give more thought to their everyday activities. Too much stress, not enough rest and the result is illness, injury, or burnout. GEN 311 Ideas of Human Nature Reflection Journal But human beings are no more ‘naturally’ aggressive than they are ‘naturally generous. It is amazing how small this world has become thanks to technology and the reach of social media and blogs. An essence explains the traits that a thing has. Select Favorite Images. December 16, 2016 For the second semester of this school year, we have a lot of new subjects to encounter. All altruistic acts in our lives infer some sort of self-interest or reward of pride or satisfaction, but this does not necessarily mean they are invalid - in fact, humans are biologically motivated to be altruistic or at least helpful to each other in order for survival. Focus on the process and let the outcomes take care of themselves. Surround yourself wisely. The term is often used to denote the essence of humankind, or what it 'means' to be human. What is the Nature of Human Being? This made Rawls’s argument instable, and in order to fix it he came up with the difference principle which states that such inequalities are acceptable, as long as they enhance the wellbeing of the least advantaged. Be humble. Don’t waste time. Reflection Paper: Nature of Human Being, Reason for Being I. I was thinking the other day… Why is it that one person can regard the loss of an extinct species as tragic, yet another finds it ridiculous that an endangered frog could delay a $43 million dollar development?. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? All ‘altruistic’ behaviour has a benefit to the individual undertaking it. Control your passion so it doesn’t control you. -GRE Issue 76. Human Nature March 10, 2014 Winter Reflection During this winter term, I felt really unsure about this whole poetry/art unit. Just as we all react differently to our own reflections in the mirror, the reflection we call human nature is also often disputed. Small consistent efforts that compound over time lead to massive gains. Go big or go home and you often end up home. Reflection Paper On Human Nature; Reflection Paper On Human Nature. I enjoyed the first half of this book and found it fascinating how different groups determine what is moral or not. Review our Privacy Policy for more information about our privacy practices. Bestselling author of Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox. Write on Medium, If You Want a Better Life, Learn How to Accept Humiliation, When Forced Optimism Creates a Downward Spiral, It’s OK If You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About, Learning New Skills Can Make You A Lot More Interesting, How To Be More Optimistic: 5 Powerful Tips. Step by step is the way. Another American belief is that humans–especially males–are ‘naturally’ aggressive and competitive. I am sensible, that, according to the past experience of mankind, friendship is the chief joy of human life, and moderation the only source of tranquillity and happiness." Don’t confuse passion for something (good) with passion for the external validation that thing may bring you (bad). Human nature is a concept that denotes the fundamental dispositions and characteristics—including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—that humans are said to have naturally. According to one influential philosophical tradi­tion, to understand human nature is to grasp the es­sence of what it is to be human. Psychological egoism states the mechanism of desire moves human beings to act whenever we do something we do our for our own satisfaction. Human self-reflection is the capacity of humans to exercise introspection and to attempt to learn more about their fundamental nature and essence. It’s easy and free to post your thinking on any topic. Coach to executives, entrepreneurs, and MDs. I was brought up in a small barangay where many people are deprived of decent homes and regular profession to pay for their needs. A reflection on human nature. Whether we realize or not we are acting in our own self-interest that provides us with the most pleasure and is always present in every facet of our life. Monetary and environmental reasonability is with related in a couple of numerous ways and could emerge as being dynamically greater so. From Mencian view, human nature (xing) is inherently good. Rather, the agent must also be in the right state when he does them” (Aristotle, 2005, p. 578). Decide Size and Media. Too much rest, not enough stress, and the result is complacency or stagnation. Wherein the, Personally believe that desire and reason work in tandem and we are able to control our desires and emotions with our reason, but since our capacity for reason is what allows us to be different from other animals. One question that stems from psychology, as well as other fields, is the understanding of the human race of human nature. Reflection On Human Nature. Another year of writing, researching, reflecting, and thinking about human nature is coming to a close. In this essay, I will first describe the concept of spontaneity in both Mencian and Daoist views, and then I will argue that it is better to live spontaneously, in terms of psychological wellbeing and quality of decision in life. Humility is a prerequisite to growth. Walk with your friends. An es­sence has an existence of its own, and indeed it is, in a sense, more real t… Lewis means that the “Law of Nature” implies humans’ natural choices. These abilities affect the way an adolescent conduct themselves, how they … I was able to learn about the relationship between myself and the … In this paper, it really shaped the person I am today. Having morality and knowing the different views on morality will allow us to work towards a goal that will encompass each belief. Society and Culture. Posts about Human Nature written by Alan. Nature is good for us. Click on Gallery Icons to Access Gallery of Images. Hopefully reflecting on them can help you in your process of looking ahead to 2018. However, by narrowing down this subject to the real question: how humans naturally act when given an instinctive opportunity to be altruistic or to be selfish, it is ultimately selfless. This is as true for a creative idea as it is for a highly-worked muscle in the body. Move your body. Mencius 6A/2 states that humans’ good nature is like water’s nature to flow down, which means that even if we do bad things, our nature is still good. “It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. This usage has proven to be controversial in that there is dispute as to whether or not such an essence actually exists. We talked about nature in many different ways, learning to interpret art analytically, create our own poems, etc. One of them is Personal Development. By signing up, you will create a Medium account if you don’t already have one. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. Mencius 6A/2 states that humans’ good nature is like water’s nature to flow down, even if we do bad things. The most common criticism to egoism is that humans are cooperative, this response neglects the idea that cooperativeness is inherently selfish for multiple reasons, chiefly because we don't want to let down the team because that would have social ramifications, and when the whole succeeds the self. 1796 Words 8 Pages. In no particular order, here are the 15 ideas I think are most powerful from the past year… Mencius 2A/6 and 6A/6 name the goodness we all have as the “four hearts”, the heart of compassion, shame, deference (respect in 6A/6) and judgment. The idea of being ambition-sensitive and endowment-insensitive are key to his overall position on distributive justice. In this essay, I will first describe the concept of spontaneity in both Mencian and Daoist views, and then I will argue that it is better to live spontaneously, in terms of psychological wellbeing and quality of decisions in life. Reflecting on our nature We also measured a second type of self-directed thought, rumination – anxious self-attention related to fear of failure and self-worth with the expectation being that a connection to nature would be related to self-reflection, but not rumination. Sometimes not working *is* the work. As typically under­stood, an “essence” is the fundamental being or reality that a particular thing embodies. That being said, I believe that people can change, for better or for worse, that a bad man can become good and certainly that a … This is because the desires can only be satisfied if the world is cooperative. Most people are doing the best they can. Those with the longest, healthiest careers DO care about results, but are not defined by them. Simply put, nature is good for us because we are part of nature. Reflection on Human development and Personal development. 911 Words 4 Pages. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. It’s better to go “all-in” on the things that you care about, while being self-aware enough to evaluate what you’re sacrificing as a result, and make adjustments over time. Tal Fortgang. Human vs Nature – A reflection of human nature? Following the Industrial Revolution, the human-nature relationship grew increasingly toxic, so to speak, as we began pumping CO 2 into the atmosphere and releasing pollutants and industrial wastes into the water and air. Stress + Rest = Growth. As the population grows and technologies advance, we continue to expand our reaches across the planet while disrupting wild habitats and introducing invasive species. This capacity is thought to be an essential feature of self-awareness and depends on a variety of cognitive and emotional skills especially those that develop during adolescence. Forget about trying to be balanced. Throughout history religious doctrines have shaped communities and provided rules to live in harmony with everyone; that includes condemning acts of murder, stealing and many more. TO INSPIRE US TO THRIVE. However, altruism can also be defined as any act that considers the concerns of others as well as the individual (Farside, 2007, pp. If reflection is in our nature, then so is choice about our actions. There’s plenty of evidence that exposure to nature is good for people’s health, well-being and happiness – with green spaces even promoting prosocial behaviours.Less is known about why nature is good for us. It is often for us as humans to set aside the severity of our everyday problems due to the fact that we are blinded by another issue this is called human nature. Reflection 26: Uniting Your Interior Cross With Christ; Reflection 25: Interior Suffering – A Path to Mercy; Reflection 24: The Purification of Your Soul; Reflection 23: When God Seems Silent; Reflection 22: Abundant Mercy Stretching Your Soul; Reflection 21: You Are Loved. Exercise offers a cure to so much of what ails us — both physically and mentally. What is called human nature is really a reflection of the human condition: if all people had a reasonable share of territory and resources, such products of 'human nature' as war and crime would become extremely rare. Sleep is one of the most productive things you can do. My nature paper is an good example of Ethnic and Social Responsibility. There’s value in letting something sit and marinate for a bit. They supposed that anyone seeking virtues should seek them because they are practical and have ‘real-world’ benefits, “…vicious actions are not hurtful because they are forbidden, but forbidden because they are hurtful, the nature of man alone considered; that it was, therefore, everyone’s interest to be virtuous who wished to be happy…”( Franklin 1973/2016, p. 65). They believed the only way to become virtuous was by doing virtuous actions. Reflection - 3 "No man is so exquisitely honest or upright in living but that ten times in his life he might not lawfully be hanged.” (Montaigne and Florio, 2010) This is a quotation or a strong statement made by Michael De Montaigne. Nature Reflection Nature reflection paper is a great example for diversity of human experience because students had to write about their experiences with nature and use them to define their perception about nature. August 8, 2019. In my eyes, human nature is not a set standard that is equal for all humans. It is not reducible to those traits, however; it is unchanging and timeless. Every individual has their own human nature and is going to react to certain things a certain way. 97) He also says that he believes in the events of punishing and rewarding, but who could provide valid punishments and rewards without judging the individual, too harshly or too much in favor of that person. You get better, kinder, and wiser from going through tough times. The third theory shows that goodwill and good intention is important to have, but it doesn’t matter of the outcome. Another year of writing, researching, reflecting, and thinking about human nature is coming to a close. Human Nature Reflection Paper. DESIGNING OUR HUMAN SPACES. And moralists ... human nature which enables survival, but which is … Final paper Life is a learning process and during our life journey we will face challenges in forms of obstacles. View Galleries. List Of 50 Quotes About Human Nature: #1 Michael Caine “The basic rule of human nature is that the powerful people speak slowly and the subservient people quickly – because if they don’t speak fast nobody will listen to them.” #2 Albert Einstein “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity: and I’m not sure about the universe.” The more I was around nature, the more my ethnic and Social Responsibility grew. Garden. This doesn’t even mean you need to go to a gym, or run marathons, or lift tons of weights. Think calm determination. Kant knows that reason drives to people to commit certain actions and how order is established in. Believe it. Be intentional about both. WITH NATURE’S REFLECTION FINE ART IMAGERY. The hypothetical imperative creates an idea of how to treat people, while categorical imperatives try to establish something that majority of the world population would follow. I grew up surrounded by nature. Human nature refers to the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans. Reflection is certainly in our nature. Lions can't reflect on whether to go vegetarian, and pandas can’t decide to drop bamboo in favor of small rodents. Here human blood is distinguished from that of 11 animal species using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopic data. The following piece is a reflection written by our Baha’i Chair Student Intern, Sara Rissanen. Reflection 20: Give Your Life to Jesus Every Day It allows humans to make certain decisions based on their experiences and trying to know the outcome by committing a certain action. The people and things around you shape you. He implies that many people today perceive the Law of Nature as gravity or other scientific option which is non-negotiable; however, Lewis states that the “Law of Nature” that he is speaking of implies a negotiable topic. My views on human nature are very similar to the beginning of the year, I honestly believe that humans are inclined to do good for our benefit. This doesn’t make going through pain any easier, and it can seem meaningless when you’re in a dark spot, but it’s worth keeping in mind when you’re hurting: do what you can to stay patient and hopeful, odds are you’ll emerge a better, kinder, and wiser you. 474). Co-Creator of The Growth Equation. An individual experiences pleasure when the desires are satisfied but it is not a guarantee that the desires cause pleasure. Plato describes humans as having three essential qualities: aggression, desire, and reason. The desire satisfaction theory is not affected by experience but the hedonism theory is affected by experience. 1603 Words 7 Pages. Aristotle believed that virtuous actions was something that had to be learned in addition into turning it into a habit, “For we learn a craft by producing the same product that we must produce when we have learned it…” (Aristotle, 2005, p. 578). Nature Reflection Paper. Altruism versus egoism has also lead down to conclusions allowing people to believe that is natural to be both selfish and helpful. Making products and adventures calls for, to a step by step big or lesser degree, the usage of average assets – and along those lines comes attached with a feature value. The most successful theory is the desire satisfaction theory. Self-reflection by definition is a conscious, reflective activity. Your happiness and success is often reliant upon your ability to define your signal and block out the rest. Scroll the Image Collections, Click On Your Favorite. Human nature, hope, and grace: an Easter 6 reflection for the weekend 15-17 May from our Canon Theologian News Surely there could be no better backdrop to Sunday’s reading from Acts than the current flurry of interest around the book by Rutger Bregman: Humankind, a Hopeful History, to … There’s a lot of noise out there. This paper allowed me to gain a better appreciation of my connection to the natural world, which I had not even acknowledged before. Give people the benefit of the doubt. (Hume 11.108, pg. In no particular order, here are the 15 ideas I think are most powerful from the past year. Check your inboxMedium sent you an email at to complete your subscription. Human nature has puzzled both philosophers and psychologists alike and they have presented fragmented and conflicting views of human nature whereas Islam offers a … If men were angels, no government would be necessary.

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