I don't have deer problems, just mostly rabbits. Remember to move the light from time to time to keep the deer guessing. My garden spot is in an area where the deer cross over almost daily. Everyone else in the backwoods on the river where I live have 10 ft fences around their vegetable gardens. If you don't alternate, it seems they grow accustom to the taste and smell and eventually start nibbling. That is because our water is exceptionally hard, so mineral deposits collected on the filter screen. You certainly made a fantastic lens I enjoyed reading anyway. Great lens, loved the pictures and the tips! Secure the spray canister when you are not using it to prevent an accidental discharge. I don't have the deer problem in my area. I know they mess up you garden - but they are sooo lovely - but nice to know there are some friendlier ways to send them packing when you get unwanted gatecrashers! I like the spray, that must be a real side show. Well done, btw. If you want to attract certain kinds of wildlife to your garden, for example, birds and butterflies, have plants which are attractive to them and let then feed themselves. I think it will really help me. (Closed container with holes drilled such as margarine container or coffee can with lid so small animals/kids cannot reach). You should begin to spray a bear when it is approximately 30-60 feet (10-20 yards) away. I've noticed it's best to use a variety to keep the deer guessing. I know they've tried practically everything, but I'm not sure they've seen the motion-activated water gizmo, so I'm passing this along. Eggs contain sulfur compounds, and when they decompose, they release a putrid gas called hydrogen sulfide. =). Step 1: Point downward at 30 degree angle, Step 2: Aim in bear's path or directly at bear if charging, Step 3: Spray … Spray every few weeks and after a rain. This could work if there aren't clever, thieving creatures around. In this guide, we will show you how to use bear spray effectively, step by step. Beautiful pictures. Fully enjoyed reading this! Bonide (BND692150) - Molemax Mole & Vole Burrowing Animal Repellent, Rodent Repellent Granules (10 lb.) justramblin (author) on February 05, 2013: @SlfMstr: Thanks so much. Use a good-quality hose and check for leaks before hooking it up to the ScareCrow. The motion detector does sense motion in a wide angle and can be adjusted to a narrow section as well. It shoots a pulse of water for three seconds and repeats after eight seconds if the target is still in the area. I am so happy to learn about the Scarecrow sprinkler! That's not good. Will Homemade Deer Deterrents Hurt My Plants? Mix in the olive oil and milk/yogurt. Enjoyed your lovely story and how you finally disciplined your deer visitors. Squeeze 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 drops of wild orange … The most effective natural, homemade deer deterrent is a spray made of putrid smells, namely eggs, garlic, and chili peppers. Sounds good. I came home from the beach and the white tail deer in north central WV had eaten my blueberries (4 huge bushes inside a fenced cage! Excellent lens and I can pinch some of your ideas for my own garden pests - especially the scarecrow sprinkler. Tip: Have the fence slant outwards at a 45-degree angle. Thanks, if my system ever fails the water sounds like a good option. I've tried nearly everything to stop the deer and rabbits from ruining my garden. This is one of the rare times we don't like to be stingy with ounces. The following plants and flowers are a deer's favorite. This discovery led to the development of a pepper spray formulated explicitly for bears. I know your yard must be beautiful. Notice the white film on the exterior of the casing due to mineral buildup from the hard water. Pepper spray, oleoresin capsicum spray, OC spray, capsaicin spray, or capsicum spray is a lachrymatory agent (a compound that irritates the eyes to cause a burning sensation, pain, and … We've had at least one deer in our yard and a bunch of bunnies. The most effective repellent against squirrels is ammonia. Using bold and blatant tactics, I have attempted to convey that they have overstayed their welcome. Isn't it crazy how they love those Knockout roses, thorns and all? You did a lot of research and in the end were successful in having your deer guests leave! I read that if you strategically place these sheets in your garden, pests will avoid it due to the smell. Yes, your neighbor is bad, but I almost can't blame her. Scenario B: Bear is Charging (within 20 feet). That's why you don't want to find yourself too close to one, especially if the bear has cubs or is foraging for food. Hang unwrapped bars of this strongly scented soap in mesh bags. Hi. When I was a young cowboy, my grand dad would use the habenero peppers and do like you say, but I only remember the oil for it to stay where he sprayed it. Thanks! Counter Assault was the first bear spray to receive EPA-approval, and its experience in the industry shows. It is a last resort option when a bear is charging towards, or is very close to you. Deer hav been laughing at me for years. Havahart Critter Ridder 32 oz. This comes at no extra cost to you. Chris also wrote How to Hike the Appalachian Trail. This is the amount of time which you can continuously spray a blast. Good luck with your garden! We use one down by our lake to keep the geese away, which is another problem just as bad as the deer! I eventually used some Irish Spring and it helped, but I will be using some of your methods this year, since I have expanded my garden. Don’t skip this step or the solids will clog the spray bottle. thanks for your comments. Others have commented that many people have mistaken their strobe light for an advanced security system, so it could also serve as an inexpensive theft deterrent. Anything wider and deer will try to squeeze through. Hard water deposits on mine developed a thin, white crust on the entire unit. The capsaicin and related capsaicinoids (CRC) are essential when comparing the strength of a spray. Awesome! This helps the mixture stick to the plants. If you encounter a bear, stay calm. Wild Boars? Say whaaat? I like your gentle approach. :-). Deer looks so innocent, I didn't know they are mischievous also. Nothing more. Windy conditions can result in a false activation. Other culinary herbs, like thyme, rosemary, sage, or lavender work as well. @amosvee: Yes, they certainly are cute, but with huge appetites. In order to ward off the whole family, I end up bathing the plants in the smelly solution; this covers the plants in unsightly blotches of white when dried. I shared your lens to day on our Facebook page. The deer have tasted some of the treated plants, but they usually leave the rest alone. Always check your unit for leaks. Also, very effective at deterring other wild animals (mountain lions, for example). I don't like to recommend mothballs due to their toxicity, but if you are extra careful they could help your situation. Really entertaining to read as well as encouraging. A team of researchers from the University of Montana tested a variety of chemical, audible and physical deterrents on captive grizzlies. Another significant difference between bear and self-defense spray is spray distance and spread. Bear spray is recommended in areas where bears are present, but unlike bear canisters, it is not required. Note: the manual mentions that the decal can frighten small birds. The 1.34% formula sprays up to 20-feet and takes 9 seconds to empty the entire 9 ounces in the can. Never get in between a momma bear and its cub. Shed clefthoof … Attract them or repulse them, but naturally. Sad thing is that they have done more damage since my original comment. It's good to rotate these sprays to keep them guessing. Bears can run run up to 28 miles an hour. I chose not to use mine because I liked the plain look better. This keeps the plastic intact. This is not a cheap option by any means, but it is 100% effective at keeping deer out. Walk backward slowly while continuing to spray until the bear changes direction. Capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonenamide) is an active component of chili peppers, which are plants belonging to the genus Capsicum.It is a chemical irritant for mammals, including humans, and produces a sensation of burning in any tissue with which it comes into contact. STEP 3: Spray in spurts of 1 to 2 seconds. Rodent Sheriff Pest Control - Ultra-Pure Peppermint Spray ... - Alarm And Strong LED Flashing Lights To Scare Wild Animals. The motion detector can be adjusted for small animals so it should keep those pesky bunnies at bay. Thanks! It does not include a holster. ), ate my Hydrangea bush to a nub, ate every leaf on a newly planted Knockout Rose Bush ($40), not to mention the Cyclamen in the planter in the front yard. I hung this near my tomato plants, and when combined with the chili powder, I have not had any nibbles. The following sprays have worked wonders. They do seem to work. lool it's hilarious and cute!! @Northerntrials: It's great to hear it works on your pesky cat visitors. @ChocolateLily: ChocolateLily, the Scarecrow works well for bunnies, too. I read an account of a user that caught a deer getting shocked by one on camera and saw it do a back flip! Judith Nazarewicz from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on February 06, 2013: Wow really great lens! I tried cayenne pepper and that seemed to work a bit, but with all the rain we've had I've run out of cayenne pepper! We do not do sponsored or paid posts. I really appreciate it. Be sure to bear bag or bear canister all food and scented items. If you are flying to your destination, plan on purchasing your spray when you arrive and shipping it back home. It seems that deer are very picky with their noses, and they are frustrated by these sprays. They sure enjoyed a delicious meal in your backyard. @Greathaul2013: Yes, they are such majestic animals and lovely to watch. You can try hanging up CDs to create reflection and suspend pots and pans on strings to make clanging noises. My whole family has helped my mother with similar issues regarding her rude possum family that resides in and destroys her small orchard. Which has prompted passers-by to ask what keeps the doe eyed buggers out of my garden. So far, this border defense seems to be working. But I will keep in mind the products you used. @paulahite: Dear Paula, thank you for sharing this on the Green Thumb Facebook page. I can imagine how frustrating a whole herd of deer must have left you feeling. Though I don't have deer I do have feral cats that decide to have yard fights. Thanks for sharing. At closer ranges (under 20 feet), you should aim directly at the face and eyes. Most of the pepper spray models share the same design with a forefinger loop and thumb operated trigger. @justramblin: Hi again justramblin! Spray bottle and concentrate lasted one season. That is some kind of story. Good luck. What makes each brand different is the rate of spray, the time to empty a canister and the range over which the spray is effective. Hope you don't see them too often. The NightGuard may work for these sneaky deer, but I'd also use DeerOff or a homemade rotten egg spray along with the laser light. The longer spray duration will give you more room for error and could potentially save your life. Somehow, the whole time, I never learned that a herd of deer is also called a mob. The 7.9-ounce canister shoots up to 30 feet and empties its entire canister of spray in a quick 5 seconds. Deer who were completely undeterred by our seven dogs, bucks dropping the occasional antler on the lawn like a gauntlet. But be warned that they do smell and taste awful, so wash your fruits and vegetables carefully (in vinegar) if they've been treated with deer repellent. Help! Thank you for responding to my plea. The repellent lasts long, providing up to a month of protection. My neighborhood deer will stare down my backyard dog, and they frequent my front yard to munch on the azaleas. Research has shown that spraying close-up will reduce the severity of an attack. In short, bear spray is roughly twice as strong as regular pepper spray, if not more. And I think I did it twice because I forgot what your natural remedies were. They're so adorable but they cause so much trouble. @anonymous: Oh no! Perhaps the coyote urine will do the trick. Thanks for stopping by Jim. The strength of a spray is determined by the capsaicinoids (CRC) percentage which, as mentioned, is generally 0.18 to 1.33% for pepper spray and 1 to 2% for bear spray. One bite of a leaf and Adios!!! A bear spray that has a capsaicin (pepper) content between 1.3 and 2 percent can be an effective deterrent … Good luck. Guard Alaska is the only EPA-approved bear spray effective against all bear species. Good luck with your garden. A winner for me! You might want to move it to the other side after a week just to keep the deer guessing. The 32-ounce ready-to-use spray … Animal Repellent Based on hot pepper oil, it will repel squirrels by both scent and taste. Now I have many colourful birds, but they seem to be skinning their sunflower seed hearts (they won't eat them with the shells on, and I thought sunflower seed hearts with no shells would be clean and tidy - how wrong can you get! ) I'd personally sacrifice my garden for the chance to watch the deer all the time, but I might be a weirdo. I may have got an unsuspecting deer with one as it was knocked down. Hope you can keep them at bay next time. Bear spray is strongly recommended in remote areas like Yellowstone National Park, Glacier National Park, and Grand Teton National Park. Yell, talk loudly. Deer can and will jump over fences shorter than 10 feet. Great lens, wonderful pictures. The smell is worse than a bad case of morning breath and will send deer far away from your yard. Set your scarecrow in position. Perhaps because it works! Last year I had a problem, and before I could remedy it, my tomato plants were decimated. Loretta Livingstone from Chilterns, UK. I sprinkled some around my plants and even on the leaves. Pepper spray in the cougar’s face is also effective in the extreme unlikelihood of a close encounter with a cougar. Fast-to-Unlock and Shoot: Belt clips or chest holsters for quick access. This item izbie Z1 Solar Animal Repeller - Squirrel Repellent, Cat Deterrent… Lately, I've noticed that there are not only bait stations missing, but the metal stakes are also bent. And they don't remember from one night to the next. Yosemite National in California park bans bear spray because it is classified as a weapon. Thanks for sharing how to make sure our gardens stay beautiful! I love animals. They're like a mob of hungry teenagers, pillaging and plundering the fridge. Great work ! By the way, I love wildlife in my garden and one of my lenses (I have only two!) So the first thing that comes to mind, you must not have outdoor dogs? ;0). There are many lovely flowers deer dislike - helps keep the frustration level down. I have been successful thus far with homemade spray and a few posts with bait and electrodes wired to a battery powered capacitor. I'll be over for one of those lattes. STEP 1: Pullout canister and remove safety clip. I noticed one of my neighbors had the blinking light Nightguard, so you inspired me to try that. My problem with my plant is Armadillos, they nibble and pull plants from the roots. Over the years, I've had many deer visit my garden. But I know they could possibly destroy the greenery quickly. Loved your photos! They are all cute until they start eating our plants. Bear spray contains 1 to 2% CRC, while pepper spray maxes out at only 1.33% CRC. Ruger (now Tornado) may not have the name recognition of the other big pepper spray manufacturers, but that doesn't mean it should be overlooked.

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